Design and Renovate your property through our VALUE-BASED method, it's said to be life-saving and the first and only.
FOMO? Yes, you really should!
Renovation is a celebration of milestones whether for business or personal

Make it a pleasant experience because it is within your control really and you deserve a good one out of this milestone
We are your Renovation Guardian Angel, literally so

NO ONE will willingly disclose the trade secrets of this industry since doing so would make it less lucrative for this common business model; which directly makes you a victim of your own renovation. After some years of practicing in the wrong spots, we are sharing all these we know will surely compromise your renovation interest, especially if you're talking about interior design. We used to swim with the fish, and we got really seasick. 🤮​​​​​​​
You will learn about the MOST COMMON DESIGN ERRORS in this consultation and at least avoid them yourself because we can guarantee you see them EVERYWHERE not knowing some are extremely stupid until you start living with them yourself.
This Renovation Playbook wants to prep you to know

- MEEK's fundamental distinctions
- Insights into potential pitfalls
- How they make you look silly
- The market-wide trick method
- Our Value-Based approach
- What you should watch out for
- 3 common, fundamental design errors we hope you don't get it
Don't gamble on your renovation, test drive it first!

1. Book Virtual Consultation, tell us about your plan
2. Get your copy of Renovation Playbook 
3. Receive your quote in 3 days​​​​​​​
Meet Jason, a "Creative Design Consultant" you got linked up with by RenoGoonDoo portal. Go speak to at least 5 peeps to know what we're talking about here
Not all salespersons are rogue

We are certainly not condemning all sales designers. There are still effective and responsible sales designers in this industry who are upright, careful and do not overpromise, constantly learning this trade to improve their knowledge and serve their customers well. We don't see a rainbow all the time, so this is just rare. We will tell you why so.​​​​​​​

Don't worry he is alright

Actual design workflows such as space planning, concept development, material and colour selection, furniture and fixture design and selection, rendering, construction drawing, client consultation, and the list go on, in short, they are time-consuming.
Sales, on the other hand, often aim for the best scenario, to spend the least time for the best outcome, who doesn't, right? Investing too much time on the desk means lesser time to meet new prospects, which conflicts with the sales interest. 

Sales designers mostly have no formal design training (some do, rarely), are driven by attractive commissions and profit sharing, and not having to deal with the actual design work. Their income is fully commission based and this is an industry-wide known fact. Among the sales designer community, there are sure some qualified ones but when their income is determined by the number of projects and contract amount, many lean towards the sales more than design. None that we know of at least, deal with the actual design work, because that means having less time to follow up with prospects.

Most of the companies you will come across blatantly use job titles such as Design Consultant, Associate/Senior/Executive Interior Designer, Design Partner, and equivalent to sound professional, that's all. It is a branding must-do in this industry. It is like calling a nobody a doctor and letting him practice medicine.
You think that you would receive discounts if you shop with a sales designer at the shops they partner with. If you ask him or her this question, you would get a "yes" response and additional reinforcement. Blatant lie

Most likely you will be given or promised vouchers before appointing this firm and be told that they are meant to OFFSET your cost of purchases.
Fat hope and naïve

Similar vouchers (lighting, sanitary wares, you name it) are available in many ID firms as part of an ID-merchant network promoting patronage of member shops. ID firms pay for these vouchers and the objective is to upsell so that the ID and/or ID firm could receive commissions for amounts beyond the value of the vouchers. 

Worse, aside from getting interior shopping advice from a salesperson, you are also purchasing a bunch of average-quality common products but at super-inflated price tags. Why? You should know already!
Let's look at 2 randomly chosen cries
A Google review in February 2023. This ID firm is a very prominent name and a multi-million company.

One of the common pre-engagement workmanship checks of recent projects and/or showrooms, this homeowner did just so.

A simple logic is, will you be brought to any project to view poor workmanship? Will the workmanship you see in actual projects and showrooms be the exact standard of deliverable to you? 

The answer is often no. Wake up! The showroom is meant to wow you, first with the design, and second with the workmanship. One of the typical presales processes to nurturing and secure you.

The ID in this case wasn't "an ID" as she was not trained to render. A trained ID knows to what extent the accuracy of a floor plan is and could provide quite accurate measurements without seeing the actual site. You don't call a salesperson an ID. 
Another big name that often appears on TV, flooded on social media, widely endorsed by celebrities and influencers.

It is not uncommon for a high turnover rate in the non-pro circle. The non-pro circle comprises those firms that capitalise on sales staff and promise high income, with or without experience (and that training is provided).

This mostly attracts salespeople from various sales backgrounds to try out the ID field. From time to time, qualified IDs will get on board, to either love or hate the fact that little design work is much appreciated, as they are required to focus on closing more sales. Nothing wrong with that, but most qualified designers do not like the sales part of this job.
... and if you come across firms having an impressive array of reviews, take a moment to scrutinise them. Look for patterns or overly positive praises like 'top-notch.' Then, delve into the 1-star reviews to gauge if the gap in satisfaction is extremely far apart.
Speak to a Renovation EXpert
​​​​​​​via calling us or booking a Virtual Appointment
You will receive an SMS confirmation from +6585018978 if your chosen slot is available. Otherwise, we will get in touch with you via call/email to set another appointment within the same business day.
Keep the cleaver OFF your renovation
A review request exercise was done by sending an email on 5 June 2023 to 23 customers who completed their project in 2022. The email was followed by a customer service telephone call to remind them of the pointers listed in the email, specifically of not identifying personnel's names in the review so as not to create an environment of competition. Reviews should always be read with a pinch of salt, including those reviews about us you may chance upon at the slightest chance. Do note that we do not capitalise on reviews and that bark's review exercise was an exception as part of bark's onboarding feature.
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