Cancellation Policy
Last Update [ 23/05/21 ]
Cancellation of Your Project

It is in our best interest to providing exceptional experience to all customers. In the unlikely circumstance that causes you to having this intention to cancel your project, we would like to get a chance to redress the grievance by understanding what happened and how we can serve you better in order to help you change your mind. 

All MEEK representatives are required to adhere to our Code of Ethics and Conduct and we would spare no tolerance in deliberate behaviour that compromise the integrity of our practice in dealing with you.

Please contact us by lodging a complaint and allow us investigate into your negative experience before you cancel your engagement with us. We assure you that we will provide you a resolution to your complaint within 3 working days. 

MEEK customer service email: (copy email address into your mail application) or fill and submit the form below.
We have received your submission. MEEK customer care agent will look into it and respond to you within the next 1 business day. Have a nice day ahead!
Cancellation Terms

In the event where all service recovery and resolutions are exhausted, we would not interfere with your decision to terminate your project with us. We would help you to get the necessary refund, based on our cancellation policy.

1.   All products discussed and reserved before the renovation, specifically before signing on the quotation to activate the order, can be cancelled anytime. 

2.   All purchases on raw material and products must be paid in full prior to delivery. All items delivered cannot be cancelled and refunded, unless defective discovered at point of delivery or within 3 days from time of delivery (reasonable time frame). Any defective item will be replaced. Refund will be processed if stock is unavailable. 

3.   All made-to-order items i.e. window grille and worktop, cannot be cancelled, replaced, or modified once activated for fabrication. However, please be assured that your REX will deal with all suppliers and installers to complete your order

4.   Made-to-order items where defect is discovered, should be dealt with by your REX with its respective installer/maker/supplier to make good. 
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